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Médico ortopedista especialista em joelho e médico do esporte
4 de abril de 2021

Doping relacionado à contaminação de suplementos alimentares

Doping relacionado à contaminação de suplementos alimentares O uso de suplementos alimentares, vitaminas e medicações manipuladas, fitoterápicas ou homeopáticas por atletas deve ser considerado com cautela […]
29 de março de 2021

Musculoskeletal Conditions

Checklist for Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) Application: Musculoskeletal Conditions Prohibited Substances: Systemic glucocorticoids and narcotics This Checklist is to guide the athlete and their physician on […]
29 de março de 2021

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Checklist for Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) Application: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Prohibited Substance: Methylphenidate and amphetamine derivatives This Checklist is to guide the athlete and […]
29 de março de 2021


Checklist for Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) Application: Sinusitis/Rhinosinusitis Prohibited Substances: Pseudoephedrine, glucocorticoids This Checklist is to guide the athlete and their physician on the requirements for […]
29 de março de 2021

Cardiovascular Conditions 

Checklist for Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) Application: Cardiovascular Conditions Prohibited Substances: Beta-blockers This Checklist is to guide the athlete and their physician on the requirements for […]
29 de março de 2021

Adrenal Insufficiency

Checklist for Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) Application: Adrenal Insufficiency Prohibited Substances: Gluco- and mineralocorticoids This Checklist is to guide the athlete and their physician on the […]
29 de março de 2021

Intrinsic Sleep Disorders

Checklist for Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) Application: Intrinsic Sleep Disorders Prohibited Substances: Stimulants This Checklist is to guide the athlete and their physician on the requirements […]
29 de março de 2021

Intravenous Infusions

Checklist for Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) Application: Intravenous Infusions Prohibited Substances/Method: Volume > 100 ml per 12 h This Checklist is to guide the athlete and […]
29 de março de 2021

Male Hypogonadism

Checklist for Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) Application: Male Hypogonadism Prohibited Substances: Testosterone, human chorionic gonadotropin This Checklist is to guide the athlete and their physician on […]
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